Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Hello future Leh Chuan,

I hope you're still alive when you are reading this and this blog is still alive. And hopefully it is year 2013, or a few hours before the world is going to end, whichever comes first.

I hope you're not doing drugs because it is bad for you,
I hope you have a hot gf now (blond or brunette or jap or chinese is/are fine with me, high5 if you have a redhead gf)
I hope you're studying something you like and always dream of, not some sucky course that you picked just because I fucked up my promos and because no h3 then I caused you to screw up.

But the future is full of so much uncertainties.
I just hope you're doing fine and well, won't resemble much of a 2010 Leh Chuan because I told myself 2010 was going to be a good year but I screwed it up. I seriously hope you don't repeat this.

And most importantly, I hope you still keep in touch with your awesome friends(you know who you are) and in the company of awesome people.

2010 Leh Chuan (2011 soon~)

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