Monday, October 05, 2009

I was quite astonished by my mother's reply when I told her that I have decided to skip Grad Night. She told me, albeit over the phone, with her usual sarcasm and irritation towards the topic, that I should go.

Because it is a once-in-a-lifetime-secondary school-graduation-night.
Because we can (actually) afford the 70$ to the Swissotel.
Because your friends are also going and you should accompany/have fun/enjoy your time with them.

Then I replied, not all of my friends are going and I'm pretty reluctant to part with my 70$ which I will possibly continue my collection of Douglas Adams' fantastic series of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and maybe other books/novels, notably: James Clavell's King Rat, John le Carre's The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, and Conn Inggulden's Conqueror series. Sorry for going off tangent, but I am adamant that I will not turn up for Grad Night :) I enjoy in...being a non-conformist. Or rather, conforming to a smaller group. I wouldn't want to spoil my day by looking at how some douche make jokes out of themselves.

And I think some people will be irked by my presence. Well, I can't possibly please everyone so I'll give it a miss. Doing myself a service, doing others a service, I deserve that fucking medal.

That's all for the daily random musing section.
He is, practically, a hermit.

A daily routine after waking up at an awkward time of 2pm would be pressing the power on button for his computer, before leaving for a swift washing up. After that, he would connect to the Internet, check out the latest K-Pop gossip, chase the news trail of his favorite Korean girl group, surf forums that are frequented by fellow fanatical fanboys and lose himself in the pixels of the kaleidoscopic Internet world.

Switching realms as fast as the Texan cowboy who reaches out for his holster and grabs his pistol, he dives into the Japanese black-and-white stark and contrast world of manga shortly afterward . Then he indulges himself in the love stories, the dramatics, the hand-drawn characters which are totally impossible to find in real life. Not that it matters to him anyway.

Then when it is like fucking late at night, some rationale left in his mind reminds him to take a shower.

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