Monday, March 02, 2009

In our mindless and endless pursuit of fame, success and wealth, somewhere along the way, we will lose our mind and start to screw up our inter personal relationships. Whether our family or friends, we will feel weary and lethargic. A harmless and innocuous conversation will turn into a confrontation, random yet heated. It is hard to avoid, but we will always take everything for granted. And neglect and ignore the feelings of our friends, our family.

A friend may not tell you openly that you have a problem.
A friend may just allow you to get even more atrocious, to be consumed by your own vacuous obsession.
A good friend will break the news to you; the truth may sound cruel.
A good friend will always be there for you; you should not be selfish, spread the love.
Let's not laugh at others' misfortunes. Unless that unlucky guy is a total douchebag.

It takes more than caring
To be a real friend;
The nature of friendship;
Requires a blend
Of warmest compassion
And love deep and true
To reach and to comfort
The way that you do.
Because I can see
That your kind of friendship
Is priceless to me.

So why do we still irritate and provoke the people who care for us? Let this prove to be a revelation to those who are still enclosed and trapped in their own bottomless pit of misery and agony.

Ah, how didatic this sounds.

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