Thursday, December 30, 2010

it is just something so magnificent and magical and not ephemeral.

It has been awhile since I blogged properly. It is a pity that I can't write in proper prose anymore. A literal stagnation, or even degeneration I fear. It is just one of the things that I regret as this year comes to an end very very soon. I had hoped that GP would improve my english , making my english slightly more sophisticated, not to the extent of egregious or pretentious but sufficiently fluent to make an argument cogent and worthy of calling it an academic essay.

But something I learnt this year is that we shouldn't look back in regret. I would rather look at the nice things which happened and appreciate, cherish them. Apart from the fact that I have turned abit more skeptical and cynical, which is a spot of bother. I hope it wouldn't turn into a cancer.

And another thing, I refuse to write down some stupid hopeful ten commandment like thingy called 'new year resolution'. Don't ask don't tell.

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