The world, or rather the planet Earth, is an intriguing place. Its inter-connectivity is mystifying because somehow you will find out that your earthling friend knows another earthling friend's friend and somehow this friend friend will know your cousin and your cousin knows this friend. You might find out this web of connection via many methods e.g. a simple birthday wish on your earthling friend's Facebook wall. Facebook is another novelty developed by two special earthlings with the initial aim of connecting people who are studying together but has apparently transformed into something else. And this something else will not be mentioned here at all, because it is another story for another day by another person.
Anyway, this inter-connectivity is usually unexpected, surprising and well, innocuous. But the experience of being part of a connection could be so emotionally complex, compunded with the gaze of a taciturn individual filled with twisting and confusing emotions due to his self belief of falling into oblivion -- such a feeling has an unexplainable effect on you that it is immutable, indescribable in words or any other form of language.
An island surrounded by azure, albeit large and terrifying volumes of water which is sufficient to sink a little red dot planet a few lightyears away from Earth, should/by the right of universal law be an ideal place to land after travelling across a desert planet called Mars. There was no rain, no thunder, no cloudy cloud, no armageddon but I spotted this white winged dude just sitting there stranded on this beautiful island. Why don't he just walk around and appreciate such gorgeous sculpting by the creator of this planet, I thought. Can he even speak?
From afar, I was shocked. I didn't even know if he was an earthling. It was just weird that he kept looking towards the distant isles; were there more white winged individuals like him? As I approached him gradually, (with my companion towel draped around my neck like a scarf, of course, to show that I'm a galaxy hitchhiker) he sat there motionless. I swear if I had a Kill-O-Zap blaster pistol with me, I would have given it a test run.
On my own volition, I asked him why he was hanging around with such nonchalance for the happenings around, i.e. the crashing of the waves, the noisy seagulls, the occasional flying fish leaping out from the surface of the monstrous volumes of water. Instead of answering me, he shot me a glance with such ice cold eyes that I was positive it was as cold as the temperature of Uranus.
His voice was like a whisper in the wind and he asked, 'Do you have any friends?' (some weirdly phrased question which I could not remember/hear verbatim but I got the gist of it)
It was a difficult question to answer because it was difficult to think straight after arriving back in the Earth after ten human years. I think I told him no, not really and extended my hand to him (a form of social convention and friendly gesture which I still do not and do not want to understand). But I think he managed to understand the gesture and he simply smiled at me. The type of warm smile when two (lonely) individuals meet after an arduous and tiring journey and give it to each other, which usually implies that there is an understand/link between them and a new friendship is thus, formed.
Well, I didn't mind a friend with wings. But the first thing he said afterwards was, 'I need to pee.'
ReplyDeleteBut sorry to disappoint ar angels dun pee :) THEY EJACULATE !
Thx anw :)
Hello we are your classmates and we find your english very the CHIMPANZEE leh. We admire your writing so much that we set up a facebook fan club called the leh chey fanclub. Go find! (:
ReplyDeleteLeh Chuan post the other comment! Don't keep all the joy to yourself haha